Embarking into a significant period of your professional life is a road filled with obstacles. One part that is often overlooked when starting a business is: #Branding.
Regardless of the size of your business, branding is one aspect that you need to pay close attention to. Branding is a vital cog in the wheel and deserves considerable attention.
And for your business to have a successful launch, you must chalk out a proper branding plan. Keeping this in mind, I have carefully jotted down a list of things you need to consider before you take your business to the next level.
Create your Mission Statement
First of all the items that find a place in your checklist is: mission statement. Prior to bringing your business closer to the audience, learn the idea behind starting one. Do not try to do the obvious, or the same every other business on the market is doing. Instead, create something of your own and stand out from the herd.
Brand Voice
The best-in-the-business brands have one thing in common — an established #brandvoice. A strong brand voice strikes a chord with the audience and can lure new customers or retain the old ones. For your audience to know more about your brand in the first glance, a brand voice matters.
Do everything with LOGO!
Something that invokes quirkiness and uniqueness is the logo of your business. Enduring companies in the market stand out with a good #logo. While creating a logo, it is crucial to focus on colours that resonate with your business, your personality, or your industry.
Keep a tab on your #competitors and make sure that you do not share any resemblance with theirs. #Design keeping in mind that it must sit comfortably in pamphlets, letterheads, websites, social media platforms, etc.
Picking the right Brand Font
Another imperative component in amplifying your brand awareness is by picking the right font. Pick a font that emulates the tone of your business.
There are several basic font types that help convey your brand’s message. Few fonts that I favour the most are Serif, Sans Serif, Script and Display fonts. It is crucial to choose fonts that are neat and easily deciphered. So pick on wisely!
Designing your Brand Collaterals
Brand collaterals are your repertoire of promotional materials used while promoting your brand. To put it simply, brand collaterals are the driving force behind your sales and marketing of products and services.
There are innumerable brand collateral ideas to implement, some of which I help are website, business cards, corporate brochure and social media graphics.
The times are changing, and making your business visible to customers has now become easier than ever it was. However, many fail to grasp the hand of branding. Thus, they fail in reaching out to their potential customers. The checklist discussed above gives you the idea of what/what not to do.
Bidding adieu by saying “Stick to the tone of your business, and be original with your ideas.”
source of the Article is here
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